Podorythmie Steps

Emmanuelle LeBlanc from the group Vishtèn.

We have been very inspired by the award-winning Acadian trio Vishtèn (Emmanuelle and Pastelle LeBlanc, Pascal Mousse) and have learned some fabulous podorythmie steps from them.  Emmanuelle LeBlanc made these "how to" videos and kindly gave us permission to put them on our website. Merci beaucoup, Emmanuelle!

For more podorythmie and stepdance inspiration and to learn more about their music, visit their website Vishtenmusic.com.

Emmanuelle LeBlanc

Emmanuelle LeBlanc

Emmanuelle LeBlanc

Andre Brunet

From 2013 at the Valley of the Moon fiddle camp in California, this is Andre Brunet showing more advanced steps. Andre.Brunet.com and leventdunord.com